Latest Episodes
Inside the World's Only Urban Warfare Planners Course
This month, the 40th Infantry Division, California Army National Guard, is convening a course for division and brigade staff officers and noncommissioned officers aimed...
What Do We Actually Need for Urban Warfare Training?
For a decade, John Spencer has been closely studying urban warfare—including its unique challenges and what is required to prepare for those challenges. He...
The 2022 Battle of Kyiv: A Lecture
When Russian forces launched their invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, it quickly became apparent that one of their primary objectives was the...
What Does it Take to Rebuild a City Destroyed by War?
For more than a year now, the world has watched as Ukrainian cities have become unrecognizable, transformed by the destruction of the ongoing war...
The Battle of Bakhmut
In this episode, John Spencer is joined again by Michael Kofman, director of the Russia Studies Program at CNA. He researches Russia and the...
Twenty-First-Century Urban Warfare
In this episode, John Spencer is joined by Dr. Anthony King, a professor of war studies at the University of Warwick and the author...